Monday 13 April 2015

Vanilla Sugar

Recently we went for holiday to Bali, Indonesia taking 3 children this time. We have been to Bali several times with our 2 girls but this time we had our new baby boy with us. I was preparing myself for the most hectic and tiring time ever, considering the baby was just 10 days away from being 9 months old. And what a nice surprise, it turned out to be quite a good holiday for all of us.

Of all the times we have been to Bali, we never knew that you can get good and cheap vanilla beans there! I had to find out from, wait for it....the internet!
Anyway, of course as an occasional baker I had the need and urge to buy it, and lots of it. So we ended up with close to 1 kg of vanilla beans.

The first thing I made was vanilla sugar, it was easy to make but has versatile use.

Vanilla Sugar

3 cups sugar
3 Vanilla beans

How to:
Halve the vanilla beans lengthwise, scrape the seeds out and put them with the sugar in a bowl. Mix it thoroughly then strain. Put the vanilla pods in an airtight jar, pour the vanilla sugar in. Can be kept up to 3 months.


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